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Frederick H. Rohr

Frederick H. Rohr

Frederick H. Rohr
Aero Engineer - Inventor
Born Hoboken, New Jersey, May 10, 1895. The Rohr success story is a testimony to the free enterprise system in which native genius, initiative, and courage, are the keys which open the door of success. He entered the infant aircraft industry in 1928 as a factory manager of the Prudden Aircraft Company in San Diego. Over the next 10 years in like positions at the Boeing and Ryan companies, he formulated advanced concepts for the mass production of aircraft sub-assembly components. In 1940 founded the Rohr Aircraft Corporation, and was the chief executive of this giant of the industry for more than 25 years.

His development of the systems package concept of production, and the advanced methods of drop hammer forging, overpressed forming of parts, use of stainless steel honeycomb construction, were in large measure responsible for the monumental U.S. aircraft production during World War II. Died November 8, 1965.
Elected to the International Aerospace Hall of Fame 1966